Friday 27th July – Lunar Eclipse

Just as a heads up, on Friday 27th of July there will be the longest ever total Lunar Eclipse of the Century!!! This Eclipse will be easy to spot in the UK so no need to start packing your bags for America but it will only be a partial eclipse in the UK!

There has already been a partial Lunar Eclipse this month (Friday the 13th) and this will be the second lunar eclipse out of three (according to scientists predictions). The third partial eclipse can be sighted on the 11th of August. You can expect to see the eclipse at 8:50pm.

You should also be able to see Mars directly beneath the Moon, Jupiter in the south-east and if you stay up until 11:00pm you could see the ISS (International Space Station) sailing past. Make sure you don’t miss this spectacular sight!! You can find out more at:

PS: Don’t forget to look at the moon!!! (you don’t need any eye protection)


Message in a Bottle – update!

More exciting news!!! Just found out that my entry into the Spirited Arts competition – my plastic bottle sculpture – has been chosen as one of the 10 entries to represent our school and has been put forward into the national competition. Pleased that my message in a bottle will travel further and be understood by more people! Should get some more news after the holidays!!!

Lucy stewardship 2
Message in a Bottle

It’s Official – Science Ambassador!

I am now a Science Ambassador!!!

Exciting news and I am sooo pleased!!  On Tuesday I was told in Tutorial that I am now a Science Ambassador for the school! This job includes: science experiments at open evenings, visiting primary schools to show science demonstrations, joining regular meetings and representing the school in quizzes against other high schools.

I am extremely proud that I am a Science Ambassador as I really wanted to represent the school in something I am passionate about. To become a Science Ambassador you had to submit a letter explaining why you want to be a Science Ambassador, why you would make a good one and what you could add to the group.

On Friday we (all new science ambassadors) were asked to join a quick meeting in which we got our shiny, new science ambassador badges and confirmation that we could attend the next open evening.

I am most proud about the fact that there were only 10 places on the team and Mrs Ashurst (organiser of the Science Ambassadors) received over 40 letters.

Thank you to Mrs Ashurst for letting me have this opportunity – I won’t let you down!!




PS Here is my letter I wrote to Mrs Ashurst on why I should be a Science Ambassador:

I would like to be a Science Ambassador as I wish to represent my school in something I am passionate about.  I love Science and I want other people to love Science too.

I have already done some work with the Vivarium at Manchester Museum, making a film about climate change and animal conservation, called Learning with Lucy. This shows that I am a good communicator, committed, reliable and very enthusiastic.  I frequently blog about my science activities because I believe in how Science helps us to understand the world we live in. I hope that by becoming a Science Ambassador, I will gain confidence, become a better communicator, and push myself with new challenges.

I believe I would make a good Science Ambassador because I am passionate and want to change the way we think about the world through Science. This is a great way for me to start.

Message in a Bottle

I have been working hard on a sculpture for the “Spirited Arts” competition at school. As everyone knows, I am really into looking after our planet and all the beautiful things in it. Here is my entry (and an explanation to go with it…)

For my sculpture I have been inspired by David Attenborough, as he shows how plastic has a negative impact on the ocean, through “Blue Planet 2”. This made me think how I could make a sculpture using rubbish that is killing the sea and the creatures that make it their home. I wanted to make deadly rubbish into beautiful art, which shows what happens to our environment when we carelessly throw away plastic. To me, this sculpture represents stewardship, which means looking after the world God gave us.

Right now, one of the most critical problems facing our oceans is plastic waste and so we should reduce the use of plastic in our daily life.  Today, our world has never been more in danger. We all contribute to the rubbish piling up in our seas and we all have the ability to stop it through the small choices we make.

It all starts with me; it all starts with you.

Do you want to be a millionaire?


Here’s my Science homework this week – a quiz covering what we have learnt this term in Y7 in Biology. It’s been good revision! Click on the link to download the quiz in powerpoint.

(There are some sound files included so that there is music for each slide, but the links sometimes don’t seem to work when you have downloaded it. I hope that doesn’t spoil your fun too much!)



My Visit to Borwick Hall

A few weeks ago my class went on a residential visit to Borwick Hall! It encourages people to start going outdoors more often.

We stayed there for a week so we had to have rooms and we had to share!! Fortunately, I was put with my best friend Niamh and we got the biggest room there was.

For the first day we all split into groups and did team exercises like getting across a “poisonous lake”, trying to balance the see-saw, getting over the six foot wall with no help whatsoever, moving a box of logs from one square to the other square whilst not being allowed to touch the grass and finally making our beds.

On the second day we were climbing and doing archery! First our group took on the Borwick Hall Tower which was 20 ft. high! Three people were only allowed on it at a time so the rest of us were making sure their harness was tight enough and that they wouldn’t fall. Next was archery and I was completely rubbish at it and finished the competition last! This meant I had to serve the winner’s dinner before I got my own. After lunch we went to The Pamper Pole which was also 20 ft. high. It was a pole going straight up and at the top a small square. The aim was to stand up on the square and jump whilst trying to hit the red ball; almost everyone managed to do it! Then we went to the indoor caves where Alfie got stuck! The instructor then switched off the lights and we all burst out laughing! Finally we were all allowed to go climbing up the trees of Borwick Hall.

On the third day our group went caving and we took the minibus to where Harry Potter was filmed fighting Voldemort on the bridge. Once we were in the caves, I realised I would never ever not be afraid of the dark. Honestly, I had never seen such a black black in all my life! Unfortunately for me, whenever I needed my headlight, it would not work, so I would always end up in the middle of a cave yelling: “My lights not working!!!”Then finally at the end of the caves, I worked out how to switch on my headlight…

On that day, I also found a dozen fossils, got my brand new, never worn socks soaking wet and filled my wellies so full of water that there was no room for water on the way back out of the caves!

On the third day we all went canoeing!!! It was so. Much. FUN!!! We tested the canoe boats by us all jumping in the boats at the same time. After that we played canoe tag, and then we all had to collect the Minions as quickly as possible. Our canoe boat won, obviously. We had a race to see who would get back first, although we had to bear another man: the instructor.

After we’d had a shower, got into some warm and dry clothes and had our lunch, we went to the low ropes course. There we just continued round and round the course. At one point we had to balance on a rope across “piranha-infested water”, (we were connected to a safety line). Unfortunately for Alfie, I was behind him and whilst he was over the pond I could be seen shaking the rope he was stood on. Unluckily for me, I also shook Jacob’s line (he was behind me) and got a taste of my own medicine.

Next up for the day was our Rocky Ramble, where we took the minibus to Barrow where we enjoyed the views by the sea and of the countryside. We were told many tales of the place whilst we were there and then we went back to Borwick, where we gladly took on the feast the cooks had put together for us.

On the very last day, we all split up into pairs and did an orienteering course around Borwick Hall. Me and Aimee managed to find 24 out of 26 markers!! Unfortunately, Chris and Phelan managed to find 25 out of 26. As boys do, they wouldn’t stop teasing us about it.

After we had had lunch, we went on a tour around Old Borwick. We went into the library; I had never seen so many books and tapestries. They had the whole set of Encyclopaedia Britannica and other extremely long books. We visited the Dining Hall where we learned about this story: an old lady knocked on the door in a blizzard one New Year’s Eve, looking for a place to stay. Sir Robert let her in and made sure she was well fed. The next day she gave him a ripe apple and said, if he kept it high up above the fireplace all year, he would have good fortune that year. If he took it down, then disaster would happen. It is still a tradition for someone to knock on the door and hand over an apple to this day. We went in the death room, where when people died, that’s where they would be stored if their families couldn’t afford a grave. We also went to the entrance of the prison and the secret escape. We all tried to get through the door that blocked us from getting in to the prison. We also went to the Priest’s secret hide-out and the instructor told us that the symbols carved into the walls were symbols that warded evil spirits away. They looked like this:symbol from Borwick

Next we visited the White Lady’s Room….!! Legend says that Elizabeth Bindloss found out that she was about to be married at the age of 16. She told her parents that she didn’t want to get married to a person much older than her. As punishment she was locked in her room. Some say she was forgotten about and was starved to death; others say she tried to escape her room by jumping out the window; whilst some say she was chased out the window by a murderer and somehow she died. Schools who stay in Old Borwick say that she wanders the corridors at night looking for vengeance. There’s a mirror in her room and when you look in the mirror ( if you believe in ghosts) you can see The White Lady!! All I could see was her wedding dress imprinted in the wall, but when I turned around to look at the wall I could see nothing!! Some people said they saw her face and I was only too glad I didn’t see that because they said she looked horrible. The instructor told us there was a secret entrance somewhere in the room. I found it first, it was in the closet and it was extremely small but had enough room to fit a toilet in!!

I had an amazing time at Borwick and I hope you go there as well. I’m sure you’d love it there too!


Destination Space!

This week it’s half-term and we’ve been to a different Manchester University place.  This time it was the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre.

We went to see a science show including experiments, videos from Tim Peake whilst he was in training, activities for the children and lots more!  Daniel was in one of the experiments which showed how rockets get into space – Newton worked out that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The coolest experiment was when the lady popped a balloon filled with hydrogen with a match. There was a big explosion as the hydrogen burnt with the oxygen, which is what happens when rockets fire up.

We also got these activities with questions. I knew most of the answers already because we did Space as our topic at school. We got the questions right so we got a sticker.  We saw the HUGE Lovell telescope move which was really exciting and scary!!!  There was a Galaxy garden with all the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. I’ve got my own mneumonic: Mums Very Elderly Mother Just Served Us Noodles.  There was also this really cool miniature solar system called an orrery which is a mechanical solar system and when you turned a handle, it made all the planets orbit the sun.

At school, I had found out about someone called Nikolaus Copernicus, who discovered that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not vice versa. It turns out he is one of Mum’s favourite historical characters. There was info about him at the museum and I found out I’ve been saying his name wrong. Its not Coppernickers after all, but Co-PER-nicus!

More about space and Tim’s Pricipia mission:

Music we heard in the show which has been made from radio signals received by the Lovell telescope:

We had a brilliant time and we hope to go there again soon. I recommend you go and visit too, you’ll enjoy it!


Launch of “Learning with Lucy” at Manchester University Museum

The Big Launch!!!!!!!!

On Wednesday we (my family and I) went to the Manchester University Museum for the big launch! And GUESS WHAT? The Costa Rican ambassador, His Excellency J. Enrique Castillo, and his wife were there!!!

Unfortunately David Attenborough couldn’t make it!  However I was presented with a specially framed photo of him with my frog which was inscribed: “I wholeheartedly support Manchester museum’s campaign headed by Lucy Marland”!!! And then he had signed it!!

It was really exciting, the ambassador was really nice too. There were lots of people who wanted to make another film – I was saying yes . . . obviously. Especially if it is in Costa Rica! Everyone was really nice to me and I was dragged away here and then dragged away there, so I ended up talking a lot. I also got to hold a frog again – I haven’t held one for aaagggeeesss! It was the Splendid Leaf Frog which is rare (not as critically endangered as the Lemur Frog) and lives in the same place as the Lemur Frog. So when we help the Lemur Frog, we are also helping these little guys too!

I had a brilliant night and I am really glad that now more children will get to know all about the Lemur Leaf Frog and can think about what they can do to help!

After all, it all starts with you!!


P.S. It was my Birthday last week. Happy Birthday to me!!! Mum and Dad got me a frog sponsorship as a present so I now have my very own frog at the Vivarium!

Read more about the event and see more pictures at


We’ve gone live!

This morning we went live with our films looking at the Lemur Frog and why it is endangered! The films are really fantastic and it is so amazing to see how all our work earlier in the year has now come together! David and Andrew have done a brilliant job! I am so excited!

There is also a pack for schools which Andrew has decided to call with Learning with Lucy. It is a bit embarrassing, but secretly I am really pleased.

You can watch the films through this link to Andrew’s Frog Blog and there is also more information on the Lemur Frog Project website and the University of Manchester website too. They have got to let me study Zoology at the university now – my place is booked (for about 8 years time!).

Loads more exciting things will be happening after today’s press launch so stay tuned!!

Photo-shoot at the Vivarium, and someone with a very long tongue!

Getting closer to the launch date! It is so exciting!

Met Alan the photographer who took LOADS of photos of me and the critically endangered Lemur Leaf frog to help with the launch.


I also met Professor Amanda Bamford who has played an important role in supporting this project. I’ve never met a Professor before!

I also took the opportunity to meet up with one of my reptile friends, the panther chameleon from Madagascar. Did you know, its tongue is one and a half times the length of its body! And 8 times of 10, it accurately grabs its prey with its tongue!! Who needs knives and forks? Its feet are a bit scratchy though…


I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening next!